Update Webinar for Partners:

Dive into the Future of AI & Product Discovery

31.10.2023 | 14:30 - 15:15 | Live Webinar

What to expect:

A deep-dive webinar exploring the latest innovations in AI-driven Product Discovery, Search and Personalization, exclusively for our partners and potential partners. Sign up today to secure your spot.

What we'll be covering:

  • Deep Dive into our search & product discovery platform
  • The Anatomy of a FactFinder Project
  • The FactFinder AI Wave: Spotlight on our newest AI features
  • The Future of Search: FactFinder Roadmap & Beyond
  • Q&A Session: Get answers straight from the experts

Can't make it on the date? No worries! Register anyway and we'll send you a recording of the webinar to watch at your convenience. Although the webinar will be in English, we'll also share an AI-generated German recording afterward.

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a person with a white shirt

Rasmus Nielsen
Vice President Product Management

Rasmus, with a 10+ year journey in SaaS and technology consulting, currently thrives as the Vice President of Product Management at FactFinder, leading teams to craft cutting-edge e-commerce solutions. His forte lies in blending market and customer insights with digital technology, driving innovative product strategies. With a rich background in global fast-growing companies, he continues to foster product excellence, embodying a blend of leadership and technical prowess.

a person with long hair

Samantha Wettach
Product Marketing and Communications Manager

Sam began her journey in e-commerce solutions at IBM a decade ago. Over the years, she has significantly expanded her expertise in the field. Starting as an e-commerce consultant at FactFinder, she eventually ascended to lead the department. Throughout her tenure, she acquired deep insights into the requirements of online stores and their clientele, and successfully executed hundreds of international customer projects.

Trusted by 2,000+ online shops worldwide

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